• レクチャー

ジェームズ・ムリウキ 往復書簡プロジェクト「Round-trip Letters」1-1 from ジェームズ・ムリウキ

Editor: ジェームズ・ムリウキ プロジェクトメンバー

ジェームズ・ムリウキ 往復書簡プロジェクト「Round-trip Letters」1-1 from ジェームズ・ムリウキ

プログラム2「表現編」の招聘アーティスト/キュレーターである、ケニア在住のジェームズ・ムリウキとオンラインで展開する往復書簡プロジェクト「Round-trip Letters」。当初は奈良でフィールドリサーチやレクチャーの実施を予定していましたが、新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大により渡航・入国が困難となっている現在、遥か遠くに暮らすジェームズに、ケニアの状況や今考えていること、プロジェクトの構想について手紙にしたためてもらい、プロジェクトメンバーと文通を行いながらプロジェクトを遠隔で進めていくことになりました。初回となる今回は、ジェームズからの手紙を公開します。


Towards the end of last year, 2019, no one could have ever imagined the scenario the world finds itself in 2020. Many had set themselves structures and within structures that have and are established, based on projections and calculated near certainty of a future, immediate or long term. In as much as this is a deliberate rhythm that the world seems more or less to operate on, there is always a small window of doubt and accommodation of eventualities, be it natural or otherwise. This is what has been the comfort that a world has ridden on and anything that comes to counter or challenge that has been unwelcome and curved to fit into the general expectation.


The creative practices are not an exception to this, and I must admit I have had my share of struggles here. I have many times postulated that certainty can be a great source of disappointment and anxiety despite that I may not have a proposed pathway devoid of the planned certainty. The creative practices, even though they can not and must not be divorced from the other genres of practice in life, have their share of attributes that require advanced planning and proposed action plans. This is most so because they are dependent on many other logistical and social aspects – financial planning, public engagements including, galleries, museums etc scheduling, government and non governmental policies, individual, collective and association of artists personal engagements etc. It has often been that many take these extra relationships for granted, yet this time round we have come to realise what a connected network everything operates from.


The covid 19 confirmation in Kenya was right when I was in the middle of hanging an annual themed exhibition organised by the GoDown arts centre, Manjano (I have in the last several years been tasked with that). The news struck and as it was said, it was not a matter of if but when, so everyone was waiting for that moment. Panic radiated to many and it seems like ages ago when everyone frantically went out to buy enough stock to keep themselves and their families going through the expected lockdown periods. In my city though, not many could manage to stock up as they earn from daily engagements without longterm savings. A lot of artists and cultural producers are squarely part of this; what was clearly going to be dire times. Some artists, including myself, are engaged in research based work dependent on grants that go to cover our practice expenses. these grants were put on hold.


My recent work has concentrated much on the relationship of the human to earth/ground, as expressed through material and the process of building. With Covid coming, then I and other collaborators of the projects that were planned for this year were left with the dilemma of what could possibly carry on despite the unknown. As you can imagine, I am not the grant holder here, but the other institutions that I had been called upon to wok with. Even more complicated was the fact that my other collaborators are large institutions that take time to chart new course of action, when plans have to change. I proposed to one of them to engage the local environment to start the project, but this has not come to fruition for the reason I sighted above.


Here is an excerpt (last bit) of the proposed idea.

proposed works – on towers living spaces with University of Manchester,




Besides this, I found myself seeking to engage in a more “commercial” venture, which is still ideal because it offered me the opportunity to collect data and material images for my continued research that I mentioned before. This is not a new way for me to work, as I feel I can not disconnect my personal research interests to my every day encounters. There is always an opportunity to notice material that feeds into my long term work subjects. The engagement involved going to a construction site and documenting the project, and sharing the images with the developer of the property for a small fee.

《ワーク・イン・プログレス——土》work in progress – the earth
《ワーク・イン・プログレス——人間》work in progress – the transitions


There are one or two other one-off engagements that I took up, besides my personal work. These including photographing artworks for catalogues, editing online exhibitions recording artist’s interviews on video and the like.

《ワーク・イン・プログレス——変遷》work in progress – the transitions


ジェームズ・ムリウキ( 2020年11月)

This process continues.

James Muriuki November, 2020

  • Update: 2020.12.04 Fri.
  • Editor: ジェームズ・ムリウキ プロジェクトメンバー





往復書簡プロジェクト「Round-trip Letters」


